AMISH Questions & Answers

What is the history of the Amish?

You can read about the history of the Amish on my page, History of the Amish.


 Are all Amish communities the same?

No, Amish communities differ from one community to the next, sometimes only slightly, other times very drastically. Read the reasons for this in my post, Why Amish Communities Differ from Each Other.


What kind of livelihoods do the amish people have?

Traditionally, the Amish grow up on a farm where cattle, horses, and even pigs are raised in addition to the usual field crops. Read more in my post, Amish Livelihood.


Why do the amish live such simple lives?

The Amish lifestyle is actually not as simple as it initially appears. To see what I mean, read my post The Simple Amish Lifestyle.


Is “amish” just a lifestyle?

The Amish life is much more than simply a lifestyle, it is a religion. I have gone to great detail in explaining this in my post, Amish - More than Just a Lifestyle.


Are Amish and Mennonite the same thing?

While they share numerous similarities, both Amish and Mennonite are very diverse groups, and both originate from a similar cultural and religious heritage. I have shared some of the ways in which you can tell them apart in my post The Difference Between Amish and Mennonite.