Amish Livelihood

When you see or meet up with Old Order Amish people, what probably comes to mind is a hardworking, old fashion, primitive lifestyle with no electricity, no phones, and no vehicles. You are right for the most part. They depend largely on the use of lanterns and oil lamps, drive a horse and buggy, and yes, a lot of manual labor. Some do live a very primitive lifestyle. However, others have beautifully established homesteads, like any modern society.

You might wonder how they make their living without the modern conveniences that we enjoy.

Traditionally, they grow up on a farm where cattle, horses, and even pigs are raised in addition to the usual field crops. Many of their women folk grow large vegetable gardens and sell produce for a side income.

How the Amish Make a Living

However, in recent years the changing economy has caused a shift to finding employment other than farming for many of the Amish people. Sometimes men will work at the local sawmill, with a construction crew, or other various small business jobs. Depending on the community in which they live, they may even be allowed to work in a factory. Some Amish families have established their own prosperous businesses at home as well.

Photo Credits: Randy Fath

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