The Courageous Choice

I can’t go on like this, I must know! Is there anyone who can help me? 
Rosanna’s mind was spinning out of control!
In her anguish and turmoil, she buried her face in her hands in an attempt to escape from it all.
The Courageous Choice - front cover

Forbidden thoughts.  Life-altering decisions. 


Rosanna’s life as an Amish girl is strikingly different from that of most girls in her community. Must she be a perpetual misfit? She dreams of one day having a home of her own, raising children, and carrying on the Amish lifestyle and traditions. All she wants is to experience a normal and peaceful life.

However, her dreams suddenly come crashing to the ground when she listens in on a conversation she was not supposed to hear and it threatens to unravel her life forever. Rosanna could lose everything she has ever known — her family, her community, her friends, and even her relationship with Paul, leaving in its stead a furrow of heartaches… and a future of genuine hope.

Author's Note: While this is a fictional story, it is based on some very real and true happenings in my own life and in the lives of some of my Amish friends.



“I really enjoyed this book and found myself quickly drawn into the story.”

- Anonymous

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“Through this story, Mary shows us the grace of God and the blessings of obedience to Scripture.”

-Becky Hodgkins

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“Mary weaves in little-known details of the Amish life that many other Amish novels leave out.”

- R. Jayne


“Mary does a good job with conveying the emotions of the characters and the conflicts they face.”

- R.B, Blogger