Excerpt from The Courageous Choice

The month of May marks the one-year anniversary of The Courageous Choice. It’s been an exciting year!

In celebration, I’m offering a special discount on your purchase of The Courageous Choice for those who read this article. Just enter the code below at checkout!


Additionally, I want to share a few excerpts from The Courageous Choice

Chapter 2 Excerpts

{Rosanna’s} heart was still heavy with discouragement when the service had ended. Bishop Yoder had provided no biblical solutions to her problems. Rather, he encouraged the congregation to be more diligent in abiding by the church rules and traditions.

Meanwhile, she tried to smile and appear to be a happy barefoot girl sitting under the shade tree with her friends, waiting to be called to the table for the traditional after-church lunch. 

A few days later, Rosanna rode to town in the buggy with her dat (dad). While he shopped in Hayden Hardware, she browsed in the gift shop next door.

Since she was still frustrated from the events of the previous weekend, she was not even aware that it had weakened her resistance to temptations. 

There it was on the top shelf! A beautiful harmonica, just like the one her friend Rhoda had in secret. She could almost hear the lovely sound coming from the  irresistible shiny instrument. 

Take it? Or leave it? She disliked on-the-spur-of-the-moment decisions. But she must get back to the hardware store in a few brief minutes. She picked it up, then put it back down. ... obey your parents… against the church rules… terrible girl… it’s sin… you know better! 

However, she ignored that annoying  whisper gnawing at her conscience. Just once can’t be that bad, can it? She persuaded herself that the pleasure of fitting in would be worth the consequences. 

She snatched it off the shelf again before she’d change her mind. Taking it to the checkout, she nervously handed over her precious babysitting money. After quickly tucking her prize into her dress pocket, she hurried back to the hardware store. 

In her excitement with her secret purchase, she had not anticipated the nagging pangs of guilt which tormented her on the quiet ride home. Dat was a man of few words. But if he only knew…


Chapter 4 Excerpts

What? How can he say that? Is that in the Bible? Rosanna’s mouth dropped open as she listened. Maybe I shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but I can’t leave now, I need to know more. Her head spun like a merry-go-round.

Rosanna barely listened as she sat in deep thought. Her eavesdropping had provoked some disturbing questions which she didn’t dare ask anyone. She almost regretted having overheard it. Yet, she was greatly intrigued.

I must repent and believe to receive His gift to me? Her mind could not escape those words she had heard. Clemens had said it with such confidence. But what about our church rules and traditions? 

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