Amish Cold Remedies

I am one those warm blooded people who would be happy if winter lasted for about one month, then moved on to spring!

Yes, God designed the seasons, and the snow is beautiful. What’s more, some even say they enjoy cold weather!

Amish Cold Remedies |

My lack of excitement for it may be the result of too many frozen toes and red noses brought about while riding in the Amish buggy on bitterly cold days in my younger years. I’m sure the inadequate supply of warm clothing for our poverty stricken family certainly didn’t help my dislike for winter. Nevertheless, I obviously never completely froze to death, for which I’m grateful. I’m sure there was always someone else in a worse condition.

I assume even you “Polar Bears” would agree — it’s the runny noses, sinus infections, chest colds, sore throats, ear infections, and worse things that accompany the winter month that we all dread to battle. Bottles of cough syrup, Tylenol, antihistamines, ibuprofen, and various over-the-counter medicines become a household staple.

Personally, I’m also one who tries to avoid medications whenever possible. I value my Amish upbringing where home remedies were our first choice.

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Bedtime became a routine of applying a plaster of Vicks for chest colds, dabbing Vicks under the nose to open stuffy nasal passages, or drinking vinegar water and honey mixture, to name a few. Did I mention my least favorite — gargling salt water? But my parents made very few trips to the doctors office.

However, Amish home remedies were no match in one incident which will stand out in my memory all my life. It was when my adorable little one-year old sister contracted a staph infection in her lungs and nearly died. She was in the hospital for what seemed like a long time. Having been drugged down with necessary medications, she suffered greatly from withdrawal symptoms before she finally recovered. It was heart-wrenching to see. I’ve included the rest of the story in my autobiography, The Greater Inheritance.

Medications do have their place when illness demands it, but I prefer the option of appropriate home remedies for minor cases. You choose what works best for your loved ones. Stay well!

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Read more accounts of my life as an Amish girl in my book, The Greater Inheritance.

The Greater Inheritance by Mary Schrock

The Greater Inheritance

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