An Amish Valentine’s Day

Yes! It’s that time of year again — Valentine’s Day!

It’s when love tugs fervently on our heart strings to buy lovely cards, fancy chocolates, sparkling jewelry, or beautiful flowers, and enjoy candlelit dinners with our loved ones.

Valentine's Day is fun, but I especially like the reason behind it. The pudgy Cupid with his bow and arrow in hand never appealed to me. Taking the time to express love to those dear to me does.

An Amish Valentine's Day |

Valentine’s Day is also a time to show love to those who feel unlovable. If you grew up in a home where love was expressed freely and generously every day, you are blessed beyond measure.

Many people grow up never experiencing the hugs and kisses you did. Hearing the words “I love you,” as you did, never happened to them. They were to assume they’re loved by the personal care provided by their parents. It is difficult for them to imagine that a God whom they can’t even see would love them at all.

I just described to you the perspective of love I had as a child, along with many Amish and even non-Amish children growing up. However, each Amish family’s expression of love, or lack thereof, varies from one family to another. Showing any affection between husband and wife publicly is almost non-existent in many Amish communities.

An Amish Valentine’s Day was usually not celebrated in my home. But in school we were allowed to cut out paper hearts and decorate them for the Valentine exchange.

Today, I’m exceedingly blessed to know my God who loves me for no reason, except that He is Love! He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for God is love. 1John 4:8 He gave a new significance to Valentine’s Day for me.

Do we ignore the opportunity to show Christ’s love to others? Let this day serve as a reminder of God’s love to us. And let us remember the command He has given us to share the good news of His sacrificial love with others — not only on Valentine’s Day, but the other 364 days in the year as well! Happy Valentine’s Day!

An Amish Valentine's Day |

Read more about my Amish childhood in my book,
The Greater Inheritance.

An Amish Valentine's Day |

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